1. The Post Operating Hours as are as follows:
Monday 12 – 10:00PM
Tuesday 12 – 10:00PM
Wednesday 12 – 10:00 PM
Thursday 12 – 10:00PM
Friday 12 – Midnight
Saturday 12 – Midnight
Sunday 12 –10:00PM
2. Last call will be called at 45 minutes prior to the scheduled closing time.
3. The Bar can stay open later at bartenders discretion. but no later than 1:00 AM due to the provisions of our liquor license. All drinks must be finished and patrons leaving at that time.
4. The Post may be opened at other times for special events.
5. The bartender has to have enough time to do their closing duties, including cleaning duties, before leaving with the last customers left in the building.
6. A bartender should never be left alone in the canteen at closing time. In such a situation, the
Bartender will call the West Carrollton Police Department for an escort,
7. The bartender will not show favoritism to their friends and stay open with only a few people left in the canteen.
8. No member or guest should question the bartender and their decisions.
9. Any questions or issues with this policy should be addressed to the Commander.
Approved by the House Committee: 04 April 2023